Panic Disorder

 Panic Disorder is a disease classified into ganxiety neurosish in which pathologically anxious state is the main feature. Suddenly symptoms like severe and unfounded anxiety accompanied by palpitation, difficulty in breathe, dizziness, shivering, and sweating. At the time of attack, its main symptom is repeated gPanic Attackh such as very strong fear that gif this goes on I will dieh.
Upon experiencing panic attack for some times some people are obsessed with gAnticipatory Anxietyh that there will be attack again associated with change in behavior pattern to avoid place and status under which the attack took a place. This is called panic disorder.
gAgoraphobiah is identified by strong anxiety and fear when one is out in crowd or machines such as train or airplane. Though agoraphobia is not a mandatory symptom like panic attack and anticipatory anxiety in panic disorder, it is one of important symptom indeed. gAgorah, by the way, does not refer to large space here. It refers to gAgorah in Greek meaning an open space with many people and markets.

Diagnosis Criteria for Panic Disorder

 šThere are severe fear and strong anxiety and, in addition, more than four of the below symptom shall be met;

1; Increase in palpitation, cardiac palpitation (symptom such as feeling cardiac pulse which is usually unfelt) and number of heart rate,
2; Sweating,
3; Shuddering or shaking,
4; Shortness of breath and feeling of suffocation,
5; Choking sensation,
6; Chest pain or unpleasant feeling in chest,
7; Nausea and unpleasant feeling in abdomen,
8; Dizziness and staggering,
9; Losing a sense of reality,
10; Fear against losing own control;
11; Fear against death,
12; Paralysis of sensation or twinging, and
13; Cold and/or hot feeling.

When Panic Disorder is neglected for a long period

 One might fall into ghypochondriach status believing panic is caused by cardiovascular and/or respiratory disease. Or else one might fall into gdepressive statush because one feels down as he/she cannot carry out social activities fearing going out.

Chinese Herbal Medicine for Panic Disorder

 In Chinese Medicine there are many gfearh in deficiency caused by lack of Essence and Blood. And it is regarded that gwhen Blood is too much there will be anger and when it is insufficient there will be fearh.

You cannot expect an immediate result as anti-anxiety drug in Chinese Herbal Medicines. Never quit to take medicines prescribed from medical institutions by your own judgement so as to take Chinese Herbal Medicines. Sudden cessation of doing such an action may lead to severe withdrawal symptoms.

Roughly it is classified into three:

1 Deficient Kidney Essence
gFearh is will of Kidney and sense of fear appears from consuming Essence kept in Kidney due to chronic disease and fatigue. The symptoms differ whether Kidney Ying is deficient or Kidney Yang is deficient depending on symptoms such as dull hip and knee, helplessness and lack spirits at the same time as feeling of fear.

2 Qi and Blood Deficiency
TCM considers gheart govern Godh. When one is short of both Qi and Blood and losing mentally competence feeling of fear will appear. In addition to that, shortness of breath, easiness to sweat when moving the body, feeling of helplessness, ill complexion and so on indicating Kidney Essence changing to Qi and Blood may be caused by merging of deficient Kidney Essence and Qi and Blood deficiency.

3 Deficient Liver and Gallbladder
When one is physically fragile to begin with and short of Kidney essence, Liver Qi deficiency and Gallbladder Qi deficiency as Essence cannot generate Qi. When gLiver stores spirith is not feasible and gdetermination by Gallbladderh is lost feeling of fear will appear. Along with feeling of fear symptom such as sense of discomfort in side of both breasts and being timid and afraid as usual and not being able to determine at the time of problem will appear

At any rate, these are concept in general and it is rare to see someone gexactly like textbookh like these. Actually treatment depending on each physical constitution and, therefore, it will be more complicated and symptoms will be more various as well.

Chinese Herbal Medicine often used for Panic Disorder

Chinese Herbal Medicine
Price (without Tax)

KAMI-KIHI-TOU @@@\8,300
ROKUMI-GAN @\6,000
  Price for monthly prescription (without tax)  

Unless otherwise you have physical constitution exactly like textbook, other Chinese herbal medicines may be used along with these above depending on your physical constitution.

Taking Chinese Herbal Medicine with amateur judgement should be avoided.@Please be sure to consult with TCM specialist before taking it.
Even safe Chinese Herbal Medicines can be dangerous depending how to use.

Chinese Herbal Medicines sold at my shop are all hygienic Chinese Herbal Medicine made in Japan.

There should be no problem in converting Japanese Yen into US dollars.

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